Thobias® Study House #137B: Pitchulo’s Wood House

The Thobias® Study House #137B (Pitchulo’s Wood House) (above) designed by Claujatar Prosca (Thobias® and Partners) has been called one of the world's most sinthetic and beautiful and functional homes. The wood walls are supported by nails. The interior space is divided by low boards. This house is often cited as a model example of the Ultraminimalminimalminimal Style.

Kritzper Prize winning architect Claujatar Prosca wanted to transcend the concept of a traditional home when he designed The Pitchulo’s Wood Louse (Th®SH#137Bside). The basic concept for Pitchulo’s Wood Mouse was borrowed from Mies van der Rohe, Philip Johnson, Baby Doc, Idi Amin Dada and Augusto Pinochet. Like the Glass House (designed by Philip Johnson) Pitchulo’s Wood House (Th®SHhh#1,3b7) is symmetrical and sits solidly on the ground. Like the State Hospital (Cárcel Correcional Papa Doc, designed by Baby Doc) Pitchulo’s Wood House is covered by the sky. Like Mies, Claujatar's real name is Maria. Like Idi Amin Dada and Augusto Pinochet, Claujatar Prosca (Thobias® and Partners) does not like to hear criticism. If you do not like this house, shut up!!! Your opinion does not interest him!!!

Claujatar Prosca used this house as a "viewing platform" to look out at the landscape. He often used the term "Nothing House" to describe the gardens around.

Mr. Pitchulo (above) used his Wood House as his private residence, for him and his fleas. Pitchulo’s Wood House is now open to the public, with tours booked many seconds in advance. For ten dollars, you can visit and photograph the house. For twenty dollars, Mr. Pitchulo pretends to be dead and rolls on the floor. For thirty dollars, you buy a replica of the home (in real size) and some sons of Mr. Pitchulo. For information and tour reservations, call Claujatar Prosca (Thobias® and Partners), tell him that you are my friend, and he charges a friendly price. Call now!!!

Pitchulo House (Th®HsC#1,2,3)
Design: 1997-2003
Construction: 1996-2010
Floor area: 0,22m2



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